Ticking off places to visit on the bucket list is something a lot of us look forward to. For many the idea of a trip starts off dreamy and quickly turns into a nightmare when it gets to actual planning of the trip. Most trips are for relaxation or creating new memories and experiences. To achieve this, a lot of thought, brainstorming and some research is required. Here are some simple planning tips that would keep that rainy-day in check.

  • Choosing Your Destination – Your destination maps out the entire trip and experience you have, there are a bunch of things to factor in when picking a destination. A few worthy of mention are; Tourist seasons, transportation connectivity (Plane, Bus or Train) from your location, travel time and finally tourist and safety laws.
  • Draw-up Your Budget – When planning a trip, having a precise budget and a guideline to your expenses will help you prepare accordingly and avoid most of those lumpy unexpected expenses. In drawing up your budget book return bus or plane tickets and local travel rentals. These help you save a chunk of money. Also, factor in travel charges and entry or access fees.
  • Make & Confirm Bookings – Once you have an idea of your budget, go on and book your local transportation (bus, trains and flights) and confirm your flights tickets from your destination as well. At this point, you can book your accommodation with cognizance to your budget, its accessibility and security.
  • Prepare A To-Do List – Your To-Do list is just as important as packing for your trip, it’s a guideline to the memories you intend to create on the trip. Start by writing down what you want to experience on your trip, this will be your pointer to the places to visit, activities to try and when to do them.
  • Pack Smartly – Now your bookings are made, and you have an itinerary, it’s time to pack! This is a part of travelling many people dread. Well, let’s walk you through; you should start by picking light weight clothes -you really don’t need 5 pairs of Jean trousers for this trip. If you must, save the heavy clothing as outfits for your journey (e.g Jackets).

Do not pack too many toiletries, either have them in travel sizes or purchase them at a local store. You can also rely on the toiletries provided at the hotel. Pack a small first aid kit and save some space for souvenirs.

  • Get Travel Insurance – No matter how well we plan and are prepared, there’s a possibility of events beyond are control happening. This is why travel insurance is important, in case of cancelled flights, lost luggage or medical emergencies. Make sure to get one with health benefits.
  • Double Check Your Itinerary – Whew, its almost time to tick this trip off the bucket list for real, but before then you should double check and reconfirm your flight, accommodation and transportation bookings. Check your passport and visa are right if traveling abroad, double check your personal IDs are valid and right. Get some cash (either in hand or bank card) and ensure you have enough memory space to capture the moments.

Now you’re all set, go have fun and make beautiful memories.