Aura Blog

Spotlighting your property on Aura by Transcorp Hotels

There are thousands of hotels and apartments listed on Aura by Transcorp Hotels, and hundreds of thousands of people trying to book apartments, hotels and experiences on Aura by Transcorp Hotels. Guests have to choose from a myriad of options, but they don’t bother so much about whether they are making the right choice on our platform. We have a reputation for providing the right pool of option for them to choose from, so they expect anyone they choose to be perfect.

Why should you care about all of these?

Guests are most likely going to choose from the options they see first. This is why a lot of hosts have signified interest in the spotlight options we have made available on the platform. We want to spotlight your property; make sure our guests find your property first and increase your chances of getting frequent bookings through Aura by Transcorp Hotels.

There are three major ways to spotlight your property on Aura by Transcorp Hotels. You can introduce a discount and we will put up your discounted listings where everyone looking for a great deal will find them. You can also promote your properties for a fee and we will make sure no one misses them once they land on the platform. A third option is to advertise your listing. It works! Everyone who gets on the platform get to see your property first; it’s like having the right of first refusal.

You can talk to an Aura Experience Executive now to begin.

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